Preprint server: recent

G. Bellettini , A. Betti, and M. Paolini , A free boundary singular transport equation as a formal limit of a discrete dynamical system, J. Differential Equations, to appear.

A. Marzocchi, M. Paolini , F. Pasquarelli, and P. Tesini, Multimodelling simulation of external water inflows into a morainic lake: the Lake Garda case, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, 107 (2020), 107--130.

G. Bellettini , G. Paolini, M. Paolini , and Y.-S. Wang , A table of n-component handlebody links of genus n plus 1 up to six crossings, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 174 (2023).

G. Bellettini , M. Paolini , and Y.-S. Wang , Numerical irreducibility criteria for handlebody links, Topology and its Applications, 284 (2020), 1--14.

G. Bellettini , M. Paolini , and Y.-S. Wang , A complete invariant for closed surfaces in the three-sphere, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 30 (2021), 1--25.

G. Bellettini , M. Paolini , and Y.-S. Wang , A complete invariant for connected surfaces in the 3-sphere, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 29 (2020), 1--24.

G. Bellettini , A. Elshorbagy, M. Paolini , and R. Scala, On the relaxed area of the graph of discontinuous maps from the plane to the plane taking three values with no symmetry assumptions, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (2019), 1--33, online-first.

G. Bellettini , M. Paolini , F. Pasquarelli, and G. Scianna, Covers, soap films and BV functions, Geometric Flows, 3 (2018), 57--75.

G. Bellettini , M. Paolini , and F. Pasquarelli, Triple covers and a non-simply connected surface spanning an elongated tetrahedron and beating the cone, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 20 (2018), 407--436.

M. Paolini , Gli anelli che ruzzolano, Alice & Bob, 49 (2017), 73--79.

M. Paolini , L'eredità di Martin Gardner, Alice & Bob, 49 (2017), 57--64.

G. Bellettini , M. Paolini , and L. Tealdi, Semicartesian surfaces and the relaxed area of maps from the plane to the plane with a line discontinuity, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., 195 (2016), 2131–2170.

S. Amato, G. Bellettini , and M. Paolini , Constrained BV functions on covering spaces for minimal networks and Plateau's type problems, Adv. Calc. Var., 10 (2017), 25--47.

M. Paolini , Exploring the "Rubik's Magic" universe, Recreat. Math. Mag., 4 (2017), 29--64.


Mar 03, 24