Initial surface. It is almost identical to the Wulff shape, but with the upper face lifted of the quantity 0.9 and the lateral faces extended accordingly; all faces are parallel to the corresponding face of the Wulff shape. The lower (not interesting) part is sunk into the marble base.

The front and back face is artificially breaked by introducing a degenerate zero-width facet (breaking line) at the optimal height sqrt(42) - 5 = 1.4807....

The subsequent evolution tends to widen this strip, signalling that this evolution is energetically better than the one without breakings. This is the situation at time 0.0025:

NOTE: to emphasize the breaking this picture does not use the computed quantities; the depth coordinate of the two parts of the front face (initially equal to 1) is exaggerated by using the formula: depth := 10*depth - 9. and similarly for the back face.

Here are the results at times 0.005, 0.0075, 0.01, 0.0125: