Quaderni del Seminario Matematico: 2006
ISSN: 2039-120X
L. Giuzzi and A. Sonnino
Alcune note introduttive sulla crittografia.
L. Giuzzi
On the intersection of Hermitian Surfaces.
D. Boffi ,
L. Gastaldi, and L. Heltai
A finite element approach to the immersed boundary method.
D. Boffi and
L. Gastaldi
Interpolation estimates for edge finite elements and application to band gap computation,
Applied Numerical Mathematics 56
(2006), 1283-1292.
M. Degiovanni and S. Lancelotti
Linking over cones and nontrivial solutions for p-Laplace equations with p-superlinear nonlinearity,
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 24
(2007), 907-919.
R.M. Colombo and M. Garavello
A Well Posed Riemann Problem for the p-System at a Junction.
A. Salvadori
Hypersingular boundary integral equations and the approximation of the stress tensor.
R.M. Colombo and M. Garavello
On the $p$-System at a Junction.
M. Fabrizio,
C. Giorgi , and A. Morro
A non-isothermal phase-field approach to the second-sound transition in solids,
Nuovo Cimento Soc. Ital. Fis. B 121
(2006), 383-399.
R.M. Colombo and M.D. Rosini
Well Posedness of Balance Laws with Non--Characteristic Boundary.
H. Havlicek
Divisible Designs, Laguerre Geometry, and beyond.
E. Detomi and A. Lucchini
Non-prosoluble profinite groups with a rational probabilistic zeta function.
E. Damian and A. Lucchini
Finite groups with $p$-multiplicative probabilistic zeta.
S. Pasotti
The canonical model for algebraic curves.
E. Bonetti and G. Bonfanti
Well-posedness results for a model of damage in thermoviscoelastic materials.
S. Pasotti
On translation structures with a normal principal line.
R.M. Colombo and M. Garavello
On the Cauchy Problem for the p-System at a Junction.
V. Berti, M. Fabrizio, and
C. Giorgi
A phase-field model with fourth-order nonlinearity for first-order transitions in thermal insulators,
Physica D 236
(2007), 13-21.
G. Bellettini , V. Beorchia, and
M. Paolini
Topological and variational properties of a model for the reconstruction of three-dimensional transparent images with self-occlusions.
M. Novaga and
M. Paolini
Nonuniqueness for crystalline curvature flow.
R.M. Colombo and C. Mauri
Euler System for Compressible Fluids at a Junction.
A. Lucchini and
M.C. Tamburini Bellani
Nilpotent groups of semilinear transformations which are monomial.
A. Blunck and S. Pianta
Lines in 3-space,
Mitt. Math. Ges. Hamburg 27
(2008), 189-202.
P. Gervasio
Convergence analysis of high order algebraic fractional step schemes for time-dependent Stokes equations.,
This paper has been published in revised form in SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 46
(2008), 1682-1703.
Feb 02, 2025